Sunday, August 25, 2024

Hot off the Trail: the Road Ahead

By Assistant Political Editor Deborah Downer
with Jenny Herk in Naples, Florida and Jacy Farrow in Wichita Falls, Texas

Well, that was fun.

Democrats who had been staring at the pipe behind their gas ranges finally got something to smile about last week: the spectacle of a united joyful party leaving their Convention with a ticket that actually appears to be leading in swing-state polls.

Before we leave that lead, though, let's consider the insanity of the Electoral College system that insulates Republicans from that democracy thing (see, e.g., 2000, 2016) and ignores the preferences of voters in more than 40 states – a system perpetuated only because Republicans like the idea that they can win the Presidency while losing the actual vote.

But leading nationally and in swing states narrowly is a good thing.  Raising half a billion dollars in  a week is a good thing.  The Harris-Walz ticket is a really good thing.  An energized party base is a good thing.

So why does the road ahead look like this?

 We've already mentioned the bent Electoral College.

There's more.  Let's look at a recent poll conducted by Fairleigh Dickinson University showing Harris ahead of DonOld by 50 to 43.  That's a pretty good national lead.

When FDU broke down the responses it turned out that 49% of white voters intended to support DonOld and Jimmy Don Vontz.

Other polls have shown the Tangerine-Faced Felon holding on to a majority of white voters.

Let's think about why half of white people would support a demented convicted felon and adjudicated sex offender whose first term was a disaster culminating in economic collapse and a nation ravaged by a lethal pandemic who is also a racist? 

We're going to go way out on a limb here and state that the only possible explanation can be the last word.  Do you think 49% of white voters would cast their ballot for a demented convicted felon and adjudicated sex offender whose first term was a disaster culminating in economic collapse and a nation ravaged by a lethal pandemic if he championed the cause of racial equality and overcoming the systemic racism of American life?

To ask the question is to answer it.  As usual though, the media calls the phenomenon of white people supporting a white racist “tribalism.”

All media: this is tribalism

That's not tribalism.  Tribalism is preferring New England Clam Chowder to that watery tomato soup crap they serve in Manhattan, madras jackets to hoodies, or Harvard to obscure universities located in Southern Connecticut.

In other words, there are no ethical or political stakes involved.  If you prefer Manhattan clam chowder, the hated Yankees, or Dartmouth, go f*** yourself.  Because ultimately it doesn't make any difference.  

Tribalism isn't when white racists seek to perpetuate white racism by supporting other white racists.  That's evil.  It requires all good persons, even those who like tomato-soup chowder or pizza-flavored lasagna, to rise to the occasion and condemn it.  Or reach out to white racists if you follow Gov. Nick Kristof.  And good luck to you.

But the first thing you do is recognize what we're up against.  And the astonishing power and durability of white racism (astonishing to Chief Justice John Roberts '76, that is) is only one obstacle.

Speaking of the judicial arm of the Republican Party, another obstacle Democrats must surmount is the evisceration of the Voting Rights Act by the bent Republican Supreme Court, which has spent years gutting the law on grounds that have nothing to do with the law or the Constitution and everything to do with their assumption of power as an unelected political branch protecting the interests of the Republican Party.  More on that threat to democracy later.

In fact Democrats are caught between a Republican-corrupted Supreme Court (ask Sulky Sam Alito about that $995 bottle of wine he drank on his free Alaska vacation) and Republican states working hard to rig elections so that Democrats can't win.

The most recent example was the takeover of the Georgia election board by election denying insurrectionists.  According to The Guardian,

Conservative activists in Georgia have worked with prominent election deniers to pass a series of significant changes to the procedures for counting ballots in recent weeks, raising alarm about the potential for confusion and interference in the election certification process in a key swing state this fall. 

Since the beginning of August, the five-member state election board has adopted rules that allow local election boards to conduct a “reasonable inquiry” into election results before they are certified, and to allow any local election board member “to examine all election related documentation created during the conduct of elections prior to certification of results”. The same rule also requires local boards to reconcile any discrepancies between the total number of ballots cast and the number of voters who check in. If it can’t reconcile the numbers, the board is authorized to come up with a way to figure out which votes count and which do not. 

According to recent polling data, Harris is running only about a point behind the Tangerine-Faced Felon and is placing lots of emphasis on Georgia.  Any victory she obtains is sure to be razor-thin, along the lines of Joe Biden's 11,780-vote win in 2020.  

Back then DonOld tried to f*** with Georgia election officials and came away with nothing to show for it other than indictments.  But if only a few county election boards refuse to certify results on Trumped-up grounds, the ratification of the Georgia vote could be delayed.

Enter the bent Supreme Court.  We know that they will throw an election on the basis of 587 votes.  A narrow margin in Georgia could tempt them to intervene again.  And we know how Clarence “Ramblin' Man” Thomas deals with temptation.

The point is that Democrats must win this election by a margin that is, in Stephanie Miller's term, “too big to rig.”

The new Georgia Elections Board looks nice

Should Harris start to pull away in the Presidential race, expect the plutocratic Republican dark-money machine to aim their firehose of cash in an effort to take the Senate and hold the House.  Republican control of either body could derail almost anything of importance the Harris Administration wants to do, including unrigging the Supreme Court with various legislative fixes.

The Senate, currently 51-49, looks especially dire.  West Virginia is gone, although the Republican candidate could be indicted or behind bars before he is sworn in at the rate he's going.

Democrats are defending vulnerable seats in too many places: Nevada, Arizona, Ohio, Michigan, and Montana.  The loss of any one could return the Senate to the tender mercies of insane Republican rule.  Why would anyone think that a Republican Senate would confirm any Harris Supreme Court nominee? Or for that matter any appellate court nominee?

There are no easy pickup opportunities, although especially loathsome Republicans are running only a bit ahead in Texas and Florida.  Sending Sen. Rick “Skeletor” Scott back to his billions looted from Medicare would be huge, but Florida has proven to be hard for Democrats to unlock since all those nice old Jewish grandmothers from New York who lived in the condos of Miami and Ft. Lauderdale, um, died.

Even if the Democrats manage to take the House and Senate, nothing good can happen unless the old tossers get rid of the filibuster.  Without abolition, Republicans will block every single Harris-Walz initiative, including Supreme Court reform, reauthorization of the Voting Rights Act and Mitch McConnell's worse nightmare: statehood for DC and Puerto Rico, which would unrig the Senate with four likely Democratic seats.

The point here is simple: joy is swell, but we can't afford to get high on our own supply.  We can't afford to ignore House and Senate races.  We have to prepare ourselves for legal and illegal efforts to steal the election.

The Tangerine-Faced Grifter may be decompensating before our eyes, but the Republican juggernaut will stop at nothing to perpetuate its cruel, corrupt minority rule.  

And everything we do per order of Gen. Michelle Obama must be done with that in mind.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

The Times takes a few baby steps toward integrity. Let's be supportive!

By Meta-Content Generator A.J. Liebling

Is the riptide of both-sides bulls*** and soft-pedaling the insanity and danger of the Tangerine-Faced Weirdo beginning to subside at The New York Times?

Here are the lead stories on the Sunday New York Times A1:


A favorable story on VP Harris, albeit of the horse race variety, and a second lead describing in restrained but explicit detail DonOld's plan to mobilize the Army to round up immigrants, occupy Democratic-run cities, and crush dissent.

What a difference a week makes.  Back then The Times was describing the TFW's demented rants as “economy-focused speeches”, and demanded that VP Harris essentially submit her budget to The Times for its approval because anything less was “light on detail.”

As recently as August 4, this esteemed publication was highly critical of The Times's aversion to correctly describing a demented racist.

So what's happened?

We can't escape the suspicion that the toll of withering criticism direct at the The Times's failure to cover objectively the stakes in this election and the character and cognitive ability of the Republican nominee has begun to hit home, or wherever it is that Times Editor Joe Kahn allowed himself to be photographed sitting on the floor in his one good suit.

Worse yet, for King Arthur XVI and his loyal minions, the criticism is coming from people who can't easily be dismissed as obscure Twitter trolls (like us)!

James Fallows has unloaded on the great and the good of American media in his Substack blog Breaking the News (btw, catchy title, Jim!  Hope no one rips it off because that would suck!):

Over the past ten days, Donald Trump has had one grievance-and-fantasy- filled public appearance after another, in an ever more desperate attempt to reclaim the spotlight from Harris and Walz. He’s had rallies, and rallies packaged as press conferences. He has rambled with Elon Musk. He has told a conference of Black journalists that Kamala Harris was a phony who recently “happened to turn Black.” He has insulted Medal of Honor recipients and remembered events that never occurred. He has acted as if people might believe that his crowd on January 6 was bigger than Martin Luther King Jr’s for the “I have a dream!” address. He has invented statistics and bounced from topic to topic like a pachinko ball.

Nearly everything he has said in this time has been a fantasy or a lie.

And yet: No major news organization has yet run even one serious story about the state of Trump’s cognition and thus of his fitness for office.
We saw dozens of these about Biden; so far, none about Trump.

Sorry, Joe Kahn, this isn't James Fallows...

Just who is this Fallows guy and what makes him think he's got any right to criticize the brilliant, fearless, and utterly objective toadies of King Arthur XVI, who won the keys to the Times kingdom the old-fashioned way: inheritance?

James Fallows is a national correspondent for The Atlantic Monthly and has worked for the magazine for more than 25 years. He has written for the magazine on a wide range of topics, including national security policy, American politics, the development and impact of technology, economic trends and patterns, and U.S. relations with the Middle East, Asia, and other parts of the world.

Fallows grew up in Redlands, California and then attended Harvard, where he was president of the newspaper The Crimson. He graduated Phi Beta Kappa in 1970 and then studied economics at Oxford University as a Rhodes Scholar. He has been an editor of The Washington Monthly and of Texas Monthly, and from 1977 to 1979 he served as President Jimmy Carter's chief speechwriter. His first book, National Defense, won the American Book Award in 1981; he has written seven others. He has worked as a software designer at Microsoft and from 1996 to 1998 he was the editor of U.S. News & World Report.

So wtf does he know about politics or journalism?  (We admit the Crimson is a huge red flag, but he seemed to have gone on to bigger and better things.)

Nor is Fallows the only supposed Twitter troll to call out the media for its terrible coverage of the candidacy of a demented insurrectionist.

Another equally unseasoned extremist critic, Norm Ornstein, has said:

So who is this Ornstein guy? Some far-left rabble-rouser who rants in his mom's basement?

Um, no:

Norman J. Ornstein is a senior fellow emeritus at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), where he has been studying politics, elections, and the US Congress for more than four decades. ...Dr. Ornstein previously served as codirector of the AEI-Brookings Election Reform Project. He has been involved in political reform for decades, particularly campaign finance, election reform, and House and Senate reform. He has also played a part in creating the Congressional Office of Compliance and the House Office of Congressional Ethics. He was elected fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2004.

...and that's not Norm Ornstein

He often appears on C-SPAN, CBS, CNN, Fox News Channel, MSNBC, NPR, and “PBS NewsHour,” among other outlets. He served as an election analyst for CBS News for thirty years, and also was an on-air election analyst for BBC News....Dr. Ornstein’s articles and opinion pieces have been published widely, including in Foreign Affairs, the Los Angeles Times, New York Daily News, Politico, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, and USA Today. He is also a contributing editor and columnist for The Atlantic.

Dr. Ornstein’s books include...“One Nation After Trump: A Guide for the Perplexed, the Disillusioned, the Desperate, and the Not-Yet Deported” (St. Martin’s Press, 2017)...and “It’s Even Worse Than It Looks: How the American Constitutional System Collided with the New Politics of Extremism” (Basic Books, 2012)....

Dr. Ornstein has a PhD and a master’s in political science from the University of Michigan
and a BA from the University of Minnesota.  

Oh. That's different then.

But perhaps the unkindest cut of all comes from a source that is hard to dismiss on the grounds that it knows nothing about the complexities of daily journalism: the editorial page of The Philadelphia Inquirer.  Boston-area readers will be interested to learn that Philadelphia is a large city south of here and The Inquirer is its highly-regarded independent daily newspaper.

Last week its Editorial Page served up this untutored rant:

Normalizing Trump’s unhinged musings is dangerous, and the kid-glove treatment stands in stark contrast to the onslaught Biden endured from the media, Democratic officials, and donors following his lousy debate performance....

Trump...struggles to form coherent sentences, mispronounces words, and goes off on nonsensical tangents that are detached from reality. His incessant lies border on pathological. He also exhibits a grandiose sense of self-importance, a lack of empathy for others, and a constant need for attention and admiration that can impair leaders who are so deeply focused on themselves.

Of course, as noted earlier, The Inquirer is not published in New York or Washington and thus in the minds of media titans located in either can be safely ignored.

Even Joe Scarborough, former Republican hack and Clinton impeachment hellhound has had enough.  Normally we ignore him and his unwatchable daily gabfest on MSNBC, but lots of journalists and other movers and shakers tune in daily, so his critique may carry the most weight.

After his co-host and spouse put up this graphic,



Scarborough let loose:

"Yesterday, Jonathan Chait wrote a column in New York Magazine and talked about the real media bias, and it's not on the left against the right, against Donald Trump. That in fact it is the mainstream media desperate to just keep — keep this narrative going that this is an election just like any other, that, you know, acting like it's [Bill] Clinton versus [Bob] Dole in 1996, ignoring those extraordinarily bizarre claims that would be disqualifying."

"I've seen it time and again. A lot of people that sit around and, you know, 'Oh, my god, the media, it's so biased. It's so biased against Donald Trump,' and then Donald Trump will go out and say that a crowd of 10,000, 15,000 doesn't exist and it's A.I. generated and they will just kind of sit there and then go, you know, 'When is Kamala Harris going to have her first sit-down interview with George Stephanopoulos?'" he complained.

"You're sitting there going, wait, don't we stop the presses on that," he continued. "Don't we stop the presses when he makes up stories about Willie Brown in a helicopter crash? Don't we stop the presses — you can you go down this list of ten that Joe Biden is going — there's going to be a coup in Chicago and Joe Biden is going to be riding in on a white stallion," he laughed .

"I mean, there's just, I exaggerate a bit on that one, but all of these things are just crazy, and yet the press will just take it in because they are so numb to it," he accused. "'What do you expect her economic theory is going to be on quantitative easing and when is she going to reveal it?' it's just madness.

When the alpha rooster of conventional wisdom gobblers calls media coverage “madness,” even King Arthur XVI is not likely to be amused.

All we can say to Fallows, Ornstein, the Inquirer and even Morning Joe and Jane is: keep it coming.  The drumbeat of unanswerable criticism is having an effect.

No matter how much hacks from the New York Times and Washington Post claim they ignore the carping of Twitter trolls, when heavyweights like these weigh in, they can't pretend they don't exist.  After all, when they are invited by their rich friends to a weekend on the Vineyard or in Rehoboth, they don't want to be confronted by trenchant criticism from their buddies over their g-and-t's and chevre when they'd rather be admiring the sunset over Aquinnah.

We're keeping count of how many stories the Times has published on DonOld's cognitive collapse and unfitness for the Presidency.  When they publish as many stories on Don too old as they did on Biden too old, we'll cease and desist.

As of today though the score stands at Biden 152, Tangerine-Faced Weirdo, 0.

Sunday, August 4, 2024

New Summer Fun from the Spy: Take Our New York Times News Quiz!

Editors' Note: Our new Director of On-Line Revenue Optimization, Sir Nigel Pelf-in-Boots KCMG, formerly the legendary Special Operations Editor of London's famous Daily Tosser and has agreed to join the Spy as soon as he has completed his “special assignment” at Bow Street Magistrates' Court.  While he continues to work with his special adviser Horace Rumpole on “freeing up his diary,” he has graciously agreed to provide advice to us on how to transform our admittedly-tired on-line presence and bring down the average age of Spy readers to something below where it is today (one foot in).  His first brilliant original insight is to drive reader engagement with a news quiz.  As the most successful news quiz tests knowledge of  The New York Times, he suggested we just copy that.  

So voilá, please enjoy this inaugural edition of our New York Times Quiz!

1.  The Republican nominee for President, suffering from dementia and exhaustion, has announced he is backing out of a previously-agreed debate with his Democratic rival.  How did The New York Times cover this embarrassing display of cowardice?





D.           All of the above


2.  Trump continues to make blatantly racist statements about his Democratic rival including at a forum at a convention of Black journalists.  What euphemisms will the Times use to avoid the word “racist?”


A.  Racially-tinged

B. Racially-charged

C.  Racially-spiced

D.  Divisive


3.  Trump's blatant racist appeals would appear to disqualify him from contention as a candidate.  How will the Times describe the effect of his naked appeals to white supremacists?





In This Mississippi Diner, They're Sick of Hearing About All of This Race Stuff




Will Harris's Emphasis on Her Race (or Races!) Cost Her Working Class Support in Vital Swing States?




Some Black Men Not Sold on Harris, Showing that Race is Not Necessarily a Winning Issue This Year For Her


 4.  American education is under attack by Republican extremists, as shown by threats against School Librarians, LGBTQ teachers, and lessons on tolerance, and siphoning off public money to support private schools inculcating religious extremism.  Which aspect of this issue gets front-page treatment from The New York Times?

A. Sending taxpayer dollars to pay for vouchers for the rich starves public schools.

B.  Extremists continue to prevent students from reading about anything they don't approve, like stories that treat LGBTQ people or penguins as not agents of Satan.

C.   Teachers remain systematically underpaid in Republican-owned states



5.  Which of the following serious problems will be mined by that hilarious dual act, Bretbug & Collins, for comedy gold?

A.  The hilarious irony that the Democratic nominee's husband committed adultery 30 years ago.

B.   The hilarious irony that the running mate of a white racist has a South Asian wife

C.  The hilarious irony that Black people are still complaining about racism when Simone Biles won all those Olympic medals.

D.  The hilarious irony that unemployment has gone up while these two useless hacks still have paychecks


6.  Which issue will be both-sided by World's Greatest Authority David Brooks?

A.  Italian smoked deli meats vs. American imitators?

B.  Dumping your first wife for a dishier younger one (like Emhoff!)

C.  “Identity politics” (by which the ol' Perfesser means minorites complaining about pervasive bigotry and bigots complaining about minorities).

D.  Republicans failing to understand the complex reality of the American family and Democrats failing to understand the complex reality of what looks, sounds, and smells like white bigotry?



7.  Trans people continue to suffer outrageous discrimination and torment at the hands of religious and Republican bigots.  Whom will the Times rely on to provide expert analysis of this complex subject?

A.  A children's book author.

B.  Bretbug's first wife.

C.  Senator John Thune.

D.  Therapists who have been working with children and their parent for decades to help them work through issues of gender identity.

Salami Dave serving up Both Sides!

8.  Whom will the Times rely on to analyze Trump's insane hate- and lie-filled rally rants?

A.  Their television editor

B.  Their theater critic

C.  Their dance critic

D.  A historian who notes the 60-year tradition of Republicans appealing to white racists.

9.  The Times printed 152 pieces on Biden's supposed cognitive and physical decline.  How many pieces will they devote to Trump's efflorescent dementia?

A.  152

B.  15

C.  2

D.  Depends on whether he will give an interview to King Arthur XVI.

10.  What serious faults will Maureen Dowd find with Kamala Harris?

A. Turned her down for an interview

B.  Partied with celebrities without inviting her

C.  Too uppity

D.  Wouldn't condemn Hillary for not divorcing her horndog husband

Scoring (points):  1.  A - 5; B - 5; C - 5; D - 20.  2.  A - 5; B - 5; C - 10; D - 10.  3.  2.  A - 20; B - 20; C - 10; D - 15.  4.  A - minus 10; B - minus 10; C - minus 10; D -20.  5.  A - 10; B - 20; C -  10; D - minus 20.  6.  A - 0; B - 0; C -  20; D - 10. 7.  A - 10; B -2 0; C -  10; D - minus 20.  8.  A - 20; B - 15; C -  10; D - minus 20.   9.   A - minus 20; B - 0; C -  10; D - 20.  10. A - 20; B - 10; C -  10; D - 20.

Grade 0-50: Internet Troll; 50-100: Go play Wordle; 100-150: Engaged reader; 150-200: Potential Op-Ed Columnist.