Monday, October 14, 2024

Hot Off The Trail: The Senate is slipping away from the Democrats and you'll never guess why!

By Political Editor David Bloviator with reports from Texas Correspondent Jacy Farrow, Florida Correspondent Jenny Herk, and Montana Correspondent Chet Huntley

While Democrats are focused on the Presidential race, perhaps because the Republican candidate is a dangerous degenerate Russian-owned disloyal demented criminal, there's almost equally alarming news coming out of the various Senate races.

Democrats face the prospect of losing control of the Senate.  Should this happen, even if Harris wins, we can expect total and adamant Republican opposition to everything she tries to accomplish, including legislation, judicial appointments, and even normal government operations like passing a budget, raising the debt ceiling, and confirming Executive officers.

Montana: where men are men and sheep are...

We know this will happen because it has been the Republican playbook since 1992, when Bill Clinton had the effrontery to win a Presidential election, after Republicans had held the job for 20 of the previous 24 years.  This led Republicans to view any Democratic President as a dangerous usurper who had to be thwarted at all costs.

This behavior, however bad for democracy, had three beneficial effects for Republicans: (1) it prevented any forward progress in America, (2) it cemented reactionary Republican control over a bent Supreme Court, and (3) because it stopped government from solving problems, it allowed Republicans to argue that Democrats (and government itself) couldn't get anything done.

Today there are 51 nominally Democratic votes in the Senate, although this includes two useless clowns: Krysten Sinema in Arizona and Maserati Joe Manchin in West Virginia.  The good news is that their constituents lost interest in their pained-centrist performances and send them packing.

The bad news: Manchin's Senate seat is likely to be filled by a corrupt hypocritical self-proclaimed Republican “billionaire” Jim Justice, who promises to do nothing that would help hard-pressed West Virginia white voters, and has been rewarded with their staunch support.

That takes Democrats down to 50.  They are defending Democratic seats in swing or red states, including Montana, Ohio, Arizona, Pennsylvania, and Nevada.

Montana, a heavily white Republican gun-toting Marlboro-smoking state, makes Democrats especially nervous:

The former senators also consider the political emphasis on divisive social issues — exacerbated by the explosion of social media and the success of Republicans at exploiting the culture wars — as a major driver of the turn toward the G.O.P.

Divisive social issues? What's covered by that euphemism?

OK girls, line up for genitalia check

Let's look at the ads the Republicans are running in Montana. One accuses Sen. Tester of supposedly discriminating against white farmers because he voted for remedial aid to Black farmers harmed by a century of racist allocation of government aid to farmers.   Despite this terrible discrimination, the white farmers of Montana pocketed a mere a $450,000,000 in government subsidies last year.  (Um, why do they get a f***in' dime of taxpayer money?)

Another huge issue confronting the beleaguered sheep-f**kers of Montana: the dreaded specter of, well, let The New York Times explain it:

In Ohio since the start of September, every ad about Senator Sherrod Brown from the leading Senate Republican super PAC has touched on transgender topics, such as accusing him of “allowing transgender biological males in girls’ sports.” Mr. Brown is one of the nation’s most vulnerable Democratic incumbents.

In Montana, five ads have deployed similar lines about transgender women in sports and bathrooms as Republicans press the case that Senator Jon Tester, another endangered Democrat up for re-election, is too liberal for the heavily Republican state. 

Yep, in a country that lost 1,100,000 lives thanks to the Tangerine-Faced Felon's pandemic lies, that has been devastated by hurricanes fueled by global warming, and where women bleed out in hospital parking lots because doctors are terrified by abortion bans, the greatest actual threat is – a trans woman who wants to play field hockey.

The story is the same in Texas, where Cancun Ted Cruz, facing a real challenge this year after doing exactly zilch for Texas over the past 12 years, unless you consider trying to overturn the 2020 election a win for Longhorns:

Nobel laureates poisoning our blood

For weeks now, Texans watching television, including during prime time football games, have seen ads from the re-election campaign of Senator Ted Cruz declaring: “Boys in girls sports, that’s not right.”

The Cruz campaign, like others supporting Republican candidates across the nation, has been pouring resources into attack ads that focus on transgender participation in youth sports.  

It's remarkable that the panic over trans kids playing sports doesn't come from the athletes themselves, who don't seem to have a problem.  It comes from hideous white men trying to milk ignorance and bigotry.  

But Republican attack ads aren't just focusing on vital issues like unearned white resentment and trans girls who want to play soccer. 

There's also the invasion of the dog eaters.

Republicans have dropped $25,000,000 into ads in Ohio falsely accusing incumbent Democrat Sherrod Brown of voting to permit undocumented immigrants to obtain government benefits.  There's no truth to it, according to well-known radical left mouthpiece Channel 13 Action News in Toledo.

In sum, with democracy hanging by a thread, Republicans are seeking control of the Senate by pandering to white voters' worst instincts: racism, bigotry and xenophobia.

The polling evidence suggests the appeals are effective: Tester is under water and many of the other embattled Democrats like Brown are barely holding their own.

Further, the media's endless fascination with the horse race obscures what the fans in the grandstand are cheering for: white supremacy, trans phobia, and hatred of immigrants vital to our nation's economic growth. Whitewashing hatred and bigotry as “culture wars” or “social issues” isn't helping either.

Perhaps our reporters and pundits should spend less time wondering who's ahead in Mineral County, Nevada and more time considering the question: what kind of a country would hand over control of the Senate on the basis of angry lies appealing to the electorate's bigotry?

The answer is: yours.

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