By Political Editor David Bloviator and
Legal Correspondent Saori Shiroseki
As we pick through the wreckage of our constitutional order this morning and wake up to a world in which a tyrannical bent Republican court has in essence carried out a coup against the political branches by issuing decisions without the power to do so under the Constitution, our thoughts naturally turn to – our supposed BFF, Liz Cheney.
Cheney, who has reinvented herself as the Savior of the Republic for being among the few Republicans willing to state the obvious truth that Trump is a subversive corrupt danger to our country, has some shocking thoughts on the next Presidential election:
“I really believe, and I’ve never believed something as strongly as I know this, that the single most important thing for the country is Donald Trump can’t be anywhere near the Oval Office again,” she said.
Oooh, so close.
As shown by the path of destruction wrought in just the last week by a Court six of whose Justices were appointed by Republicans, the most important thing for the country is that Joe Biden must be re-elected next year.
See the difference?
If you think that Trump is the problem, not Republicans, then you must think that one of the other clowns challenging the Tangerine-Faced Defendant for the nomination would less less of a threat. Would they?
Let's take the man who is nominally in second place, although fading faster than David Brooks' elevation of Lobsterman Jordan Peterson, Ron “Go-Go Boots” DeSantis.
DeSantis apparently agrees with every one of Trump's democracy-busting positions. His claim is that he could do a better job of creating an extremist right wing dictatorship.
His position about the violent conspiracy to overthrow the U.S. Government on January 6, 2021 can be described as nothing to see here people, move along:
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We warned you about your friend Liz Cheney |
DeSantis has sought to downplay the events of that day and hasn’t ruled out pardoning the rioters or even Trump himself.
Pardoning the Traitor-in-Chief is of course an act in furtherance of sedition. Embracing such a possibility demonstrates to even the meanest intelligence (other than Liz Cheney) that DeSantis is also a clear and present threat to democracy.
If that position is not disqualifying, DeSantis has spent the last five years turning Florida into a dictatorship, by disenfranchising hundreds of thousands of ex-prisoners, punishing corporations for disagreeing with him, wiping out academic freedom in state colleges, and terrorizing school boards into banning books that hurt the feelings of white supremacist morons.
None of that appears to bother Liz Cheney.
We could go down the list of Republican hacks and wannabes but really what difference would it make? None of them are willing to condemn the January 6 insurrection or state that they will not vote for Trump if he is the nominee.
Crucially, would you expect any of them to nominate for the Supreme Court anyone other than an extremist whack job wrapped up for them by America's Lord Chancellor, Leonard Leo?
And has Liz Cheney ruled out supporting any of these cats and dogs?
Instead of forthrightly condemning them, she had more general criticism of the current state of American politics:
“And what we’ve done in our politics is create a situation where we’re electing idiots,” she added, prompting applause from the audience. She added later “I think electing serious people can't be partisan.”
Before you get too choked up with longing for the days when our politics were dominated by Republicans who supposedly weren't idiots, let's remind you of a little history:
You don't know who this guy is, do you? Neither does Liz Cheney!
Would you believe that he was a Republican Vice President of the United States? Until he had to resign in disgrace because he had accepted envelopes full of cash representing kickbacks from state contractors?
Does anyone think that Spiro T. Agnew was not an idiot?
But he was just the first in a long line of Republican idiots that Liz overlooks. What about St. Ronald of Bitburg, who didn't understand why those Hebrews threw a fit just because he saw fit to place a wreath at a German cemetery containing graves of Hitler's SS war criminals?
Or St. Ronald's successor, George H.W. Bush, who bequeathed Clarence Thomas to us by saying not at all idiotically:
The “best man” for the job? Even today, you have to appreciate the breathtaking insouciance of the lie, coming from a Yale aristocrat who wouldn't have let Thomas chauffeur his mother around Prout's Neck.
By the way, whatever happened to Thomas's extreme views on affirmative action? Any updates?
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Republicans, before they were idiots |
And closer to Liz herself, what about the idiots who failed to take the al-Qaeda terrorist threat seriously before 9/11 and then used it as a pretext to invade a country that had nothing to do with it, with disastrous results?
The point, other than rubbishing Liz Cheney just for the fun of it (kind of like her position about torturing detainees), is that our Wonderful Republican Allies have been trying for years now to claim that there is a huge and inexplicable gap separating the leader of the Republican Party, ex-Pres. Tiny Toadstool, from all other serious non-idiotic non-subversive non-white supremacist Republicans past and present.
But even a cursory review of history demonstrates that there's isn't a dime's worth of difference between racist Republican idiots of yesterday and today.
And anyone who maintains the fallacy that the Tangerine-Faced Defendant can be chopped off the otherwise-healthy Republican oak is not our friend. Worse, she's not a friend of what's left of our constitutional order.
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